
Experience the Freedom You Already Have in Christ by Paula Neall Coleman

The Weight of Grace: Experience the Freedom from Overeating that You Already Have by Paula Neall Coleman
These books are formatted for use by individuals or small groups with an easy-to-use facilitator’s guide included.

Understanding the True Character of God and Building Trust in God:
FatherCare by Jim Craddock and Christi Taylor
His Truth Transforms International, providing in-person counsel, books, booklets, handouts, and seminars
Our Heavenly Father by Robert Frost (not the poet)
The Father Heart of God by Floyd McClung
Knowing God by J. I. Packer

Understanding Who You Are as a New Creation in Christ and How to Address Emotions and Beliefs:
Lifetime Guarantee by Bill Gillham
Classic Christianity by Bob George
Seeing Yourself Through God’s Eyes by June Hunt
Handbook to Happiness by Charles R. Solomon
The Marvelous Exchange by Dick Flaten
Shepherd’s Call, providing in-person and online personal counsel and classes

Getting Out from under Legalism, both Subtle and Overt:
The Torah Syndrome, a booklet available at
The Weight of Grace by Paula Neall Coleman
Grace Works by Dudley Hall

Engaging in God-Centered Relationships:
Living Well, providing numerous handouts (many available on their website)
Caring Enough to Confront by David Augsburger

Overcoming the Pain of Being Sinned Against:
Rid of My Disgrace by Justin S. Holcomb and Lindsey A. Holcomb

Ministries that Emphasize Living in God’s Grace:
Christian Life Ministries
His Truth Transforms International
Lifetime Ministries
Shepherd’s Call